about freedance

“Dance first. Think later. It´s the natural order.”  Samuel Beckett 

Freedance is a holistic body workout. It promotes natural movement function. It is beneficial for bones, joints, muscles and revitalises your whole being.

The program offers a wide variety of people, a wonderful area of development, creativity and self-awareness. Each person is unique in their essence. Some would move with rooted earth energy, others may use soft graceful air movements. And yet every man has all the elements in them: Fire, Earth, Air, Metal and Water. Freedance maintains all five motion characters. They stand for the five universal character types that constitute the versatility of each personality. They also make up the versatility of a free dance session.

Freedance is a harmonious blend of rhythm, movement, dance and relaxation.

A wonderful feature of Freedance is that there is the possibility for people with different physical abilities and different ages to dance together, since the intensity is controlled by each individual. Freedance sessions sway between a more structured approach to a more free approach. Even in the more structured parts of the session there is great scope for personal creativity.

Freedance helps to bring to the surface, the desire for more passion and sensuality that is inherent in many people. Freedance manages to reignite your passion for life and lets it radiate into the periphery of the body. The happiness of being flows through each cell and is stored there.

With Freedance you can connect to the creativity of music, feel by moving yourself and be around others.


Freedance is a workout that detects movement and growth, teaches physical and mental strength and improves self-perception. Experience, movement, fun, fitness and a new awareness of your body.

Without pressure, you only need passion. No previous experience or shoes necessary.



The Freedance developer Christoph Schmid

Christoph Schmid comes from Switzerland. He is a dancer and choreographer at the State Theatre Linz, an elementary school teacher, a dance teacher for children, Hip Hop, Modern, Yoga Instructor, Les Mills Body Balance instructor and has been developing Freedance since 2004. Up to 2012, he has guided over 2500 Freedance classes. He has trained enthusiastic freedance teachers in more than 30 camps. In 2013 he licensed the first two Freedance educators who now run the Freedance basic training in Austria. He lives in Zurich and travels annually to Austria for Freedance developments.